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How To Improve Your Breathing Rate: A Beginners Guide

Breathing is something that we do automatically, without even thinking about it. When we’re not breathing properly, it can cause stress, anxiety, and even chest pains. But breathing correctly can help positively impact our lives in many different ways. Improving our breathing rate is an important first step to feeling more at ease and centered. Our breathing rate is the number of times we breathe per minute. It’s a very simple way to slow down our breathing so we can take time to feel our body and mind. Improving our breathing rate can help us feel more calm and relaxed, and it’s one of the best ways to improve our mental health and wellbeing. In this blog, we’ll show you how you can improve your breathing rate and feel more calm, centered, and focused.

Try Different Breathing Exercises

There are a variety of different breathing exercises that you can try to improve your breathing rate. One very simple exercise is to focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale consciously, or even just count the number of times you breathe in ten seconds. This is a great way to start learning how to improve your breathing rate and take time for yourself. Another exercise that you might try is focusing on slow deep breaths through the nose and mouth. Start by inhaling deeply, filling up all of your lungs with air. Then exhale slowly through pursed lips, letting out all the air that’s inside of you so that only a small amount remains in your body at the end of your exhale. This will help you build concentration and focus as well as calm down any anxiety or stress. Just remember to be conscious of what’s going on in your body during this exercise so that you don’t get overwhelmed by it and give up too quickly.

Get Into Nature

Many people don’t realize that they’re breathing too quickly. When we become overwhelmed by too many of our responsibilities, it can be difficult to breathe normally and take the time to tune into our bodies. However, nature is a great way to improve your breathing rate because you’re surrounded by natural beauty, and it helps you clear your mind. When we’re outside in nature, we’re surrounded by different sights and sounds that give us an opportunity to slow down. We’ve all experienced this feeling when we just sit outside in our backyard or on a park bench. It’s easy to fall into deep thought or just enjoy being near nature without any distractions. This can be a great way to start improving your breathing rate because it has the potential for reducing stress levels as well as increasing feelings of calmness and focus. Contrary to popular belief, spending time in nature doesn’t have to be an expensive trip away from home–you could visit your local park or even go on a walk around your neighborhood if you’re lucky enough!

Practice Yoga

More than just exercise, yoga is a method for improving breathing. It helps us to focus on our body and mind, and it’s a great way to calm down and feel centered. There are many different techniques and poses in yoga, so you can find one that suits you best and practice daily.

Change Your Environment

Changing your environment is one of the best ways to improve your breathing rate. By changing your environment, you’re making it easier for your body to relax. Try going outside and taking a walk in nature. Or, if you’re feeling more energetic, try dancing! Another way to change your environment is by using calming scents in the air. For example, lavender is known to have an uplifting and calming effect on our minds and bodies. If you want natural options, try using essential oils or diffusing them with a candle.


Take a moment and breathe in the fresh air. Breathing is such a simple and natural process, but it is also vital for our health. Breathing exercises may be able to improve your health and relieve symptoms, but it’s important to know when to seek professional assistance and when to self-care. This guide will help beginners learn how to improve their breathing rate by finding exercises that will help them breathe more deeply and regularly.